
My name is Stephen Davies and I write adventure stories for young people of all ages. I’ve been writing all my adult life: picture bookschapter books and YA novels.

My particular area of interest and expertise is Ancient Egypt.  The Ancient Egypt Sleepover is a popular choice with KS2 teachers and is currently my best selling book.

Smoking hot off the press, Myths, Mummies and Magic in Ancient Egypt contains comic style retellings of six myths, interspersed with non-fiction spreads about life in Ancient Egypt. This glorious, large format hardback is illustrated by Núria Tamarit. I wrote something here about the making of the book, and the inspiration for the various stories.

I love visiting primary and secondary schools to encourage young people in their own writing. Please see the School Visits page for details of the various sessions I offer, including my ‘Night at the Museum’ writing workshops.

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